Process and Pricing for Accelerated Insights Services

Speak to the Accelitas team today to get started today

We make it easy to get up and running quickly.

After a brief consultation to discuss your specific needs and goals, we work with you to implement a solution that is truly customized to your business.

By leveraging the Accelerated Insight® Platform, our secure SOC2-compliant SaaS platform of API services, we will have you seamlessly onboarding, screening leads, validating accounts, and accepting more creditworthy customers in no time.

Accelitas offers competitive pricing by leveraging established partnerships with the most trusted data resources in the industry. Our unique ability to leverage advanced AI techniques, machine learning, and alternative data allows us to deliver highly predictive insights with lower data requirements.

To get started, click the button below to set up a consultation to discuss our process and pricing.

Predict Credit: Custom Credit Scores


Validate Accounts: Frictionless Account Validation


Screen Leads: Pre-Qualify Creditworthy Leads